Terms and Conditions


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Terms and Conditions of Publication

General considerations
Didactica Pro… accepts for publication scholarly articles, based on original research, on innovative subjects concerning various aspects of education. The accepted languages are Romanian, English, and Russian.   

Minimal requirements for all submissions:

  • The subject of the article fits within the journal’s reference framework;
  • The article contains original research and has a substantial scholarly content;
  • There are no major deficiencies in the logical structure and the research hypothesis;
  • The manuscript adheres to the journal’s technical editing guidelines (fonts, paragraphs, bibliography etc.).

Should the article be deemed acceptable, the editors will send it out for external peer reviewing and assessment. Based on received peer reviews and comments, the editing team will then submit the manuscript to the Board of Editors for a final decision. Every article will only be published after passing successfully through the following stages: peer review by independent experts; assessment by the Board of Editors; if necessary, the author’s reworking of the article.
The articles should be submitted 1.5-2 months before the intended publication date, in printed and electronic form, in Romanian, English, or Russian. The manuscript must contain the date of submission and the author’s signature.

Structure and formatting requirements

  • Title of the article (Times New Roman, bold, font size 14, centred), also translated into English;
  • Author(s): first name, surname, scholarly/teaching rank, degree, institutional affiliation, email address;
  • Abstract of the article, in Romanian and English (Times New Roman, italic, font size 12, approx. 150 characters);
  • Keywords (5-7), in Romanian and English;
  • Introduction;
  • Body of the article;
  • Conclusions;
  • Suggestions;
  • Bibliographical references.

All submissions must conform to the following formatting rules:

  • Page size: A4; margins: top 15 mm, bottom 20 mm, left 20 mm, right 20 mm.
  • Volume: 5 to 7 pages, Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5.

Accompanying material

  • All accompanying illustrations must be presented electronically as a good-quality .jpg or .tif file (min. 300 dpi).
  • All images, tables, graphs etc. must be accompanied by appropriate captions; when not the author’s own creation, their source must also be indicated.
  • When referred to in the text, table, graph etc. numbers must be placed in brackets, e.g.: (fig. 1); (table 1).
  • Up to 5 such insertions (diagrams, tables etc.) are admissible in one article.

Bibliographical references must conform to the Moldovan CNAA style.

  • Source titles are not translated or transliterated.
  • The bibliography is placed at the end of the article.
  • The numbered sources are listed in alphabetical order.
  • In the body of the article the references are placed in square brackets, e.g. [8].
  • Page references are to be indicated after the number of the source as listed in the bibliography, e.g. [8, p. 231].  

Sample reference styles
Printed source, book:

  • Cerghit I., Neacşu I., Negreţ-Dobridor I., Pânişoară O. Prelegeri pedagogice. Iaşi: Polirom, 2001, 232 p.
  • Рыскина В. Л., Самсонова Е. В. Российские и зарубежные исследования в области инклюзивного образования. Москва: Форум, 2012. 105 c.

Printed source, article in a journal or volume of collected papers:

  • Botgros I., Franţuzan L., Zota L. Aspecte metodologice ale formării competenţei şcolare la lecţiile de chimie. În: Didactica Pro…, nr. 2 (66), 2011, pp. 25-31.

Electronic sources:

Other conditions
The printed manuscripts and the electronic version of the articles may be presented/posted to the journal’s registered address or sent electronically to didacticapro@prodidactica.md.

Peer Reviewing

In order to gain pre-publication approval, all articles are sent out for peer reviewing. The reviewers are experts in the field of education, members of the Board of Editors, and other members of the Moldovan and foreign academic community, with special expertise in the specific subject of the article, and possessing such academic ranks as Professor, Associate Professor, Academic Researcher, or Senior Researcher.

The experts assess the submissions based on the reviewing guidelines they receive together with the articles. The articles are assessed based on the following criteria: timeliness and relevance of the subject; originality and novelty; academic accuracy; references to relevant literature; clarity and accuracy of argumentation; expected impact in the referenced domains; scholarly quality and accuracy; the use of appropriate academic style and language; clarity, concision, and neatness of expression; lack of errors, false presumptions, and ambiguity; relevance of bibliographic references etc.

Assessment concludes with each of the reviewers formulating observations concerning the form and contents of the article and giving it one of the following three ratings:

  • Accepted for publication: if the article is deemed acceptable in both form and content;
  • Accepted for publication pending corrections/additions;
  • Rejected.

Should the two peer reviewers arrive at radically divergent conclusions, a third expert shall be appealed to. The author will then receive the experts’ decisions and suggestions.
The reviews are collected by the Editor-in-Chief and the editors in a separate file for each issue.
Upon receiving the manuscript as corrected and completed by the author, following the experts’ suggestions, the article is again reviewed by the same peer reviewers, who make a final decision concerning its suitability for publication.

The final approved text of the article, after all changes and adjustments suggested by peer reviewers and members of the Board of Editors, is then sent to the member of the editorial team who is responsible for planning, and the author is notified as to the issue and date of prospective publication. The final decision concerning publication rests with the Editor-in-Chief.
The authors of rejected submissions may propose other articles, as well as a reworked and improved version of the rejected manuscript.
The Board of Editors retains the right to reject materials that do not fit within the journal’s profile and do not respect the technical rules for publication, as well as submissions lacking scholarly value. We cannot consider materials that have been published previously, in any form, including electronic.
All submissions must be accompanied by a Declaration of Authenticity, signed by the author(s), in conformity with current copyright legislation and in order to fight plagiarism and fake authorship, and also by the written agreement of the author(s) to have the submission published.
All responsibility for correctitude and veracity of contents rests solely with the authors.



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