On March 22, the second seminar of pre-university teachers dedicated to the education for integrity and the eradication of corruption acts will took place. The activity takes place within the framework of the Moldovan-Lithuanian project, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania with funding from the Program for Cooperation for Development and Promotion of Democracy. The duration of the project was one year, ending in April 2019 and addressed to students aged 15-18 who study socio-humanistic subjects, including Civic Education and/or the optional subject “European Integration for You”. This initiative supports activities to prevent and eradicate corruption in the state by educating conscientious, critical and responsible citizens, aiming to develop and implement anti-corruption education in secondary education.
The objectives of the project include: elaboration of the Anticorruption Education module and its testing/piloting with the teachers; the development of teaching materials for pupils and the development of promotion channels and of the internal support network in this respect.
The developed materials complement the recommended contents of the existing curriculum, the user being provided with didactic projects, informational support and good practices from the schools involved, in the digital version at the following link The project promotes education for integrity at state-level, thus helping the National Anticorruption Center implement its action plan to eradicate the corruption phenomenon.
During the seminar, the exchange of experience between teachers was facilitated through the presentation of good practices in schools, as well as the initiative to sign a Declaration of Integrity by the management team of the institution, which provides involvement in obtaining the honorary title of Honest School. Also, there was discussed the new materials for teachers and parents, but also for pupils, for the following subjects: Romanian and Universal History, Civic Education, Romanian Language and Literature, Universal Literature, Personal Development, Education for Society, I read therefore I am, as well as extracurricular activities. The expert authors Rodica EŞANU and Eugenia NEGRU have creatively proposed a detailed didactical support with the topics: Corruption makes us poorer; Political corruption steals the vote of the citizen; When can the law be a fertile environment for corruption? About honesty; The story of a consciousness (social theater); The traces of our footsteps; Character is what we do when nobody sees us;”Fabula” – community educator, etc.
At the end of the project, other good practices will be collected and disseminated in order to assist teachers and managers, that integrity education becomes an element of the school’s organizational culture within the national Honest Schools network, but also a recognized social practice assumed by most citizens.
Project coordinator: univ. prof. Viorica Goraș-Postică,
tel. 069366848