Refugee support initiative: continuing professional development

The module “Preventing online gender-based violence. The basics of nonviolent communication”, addressed today, September 27, 2024, concluded the comprehensive program of training of key Safe Spaces staff to carry out educational and leisure activities, to provide professional support and counseling to the beneficiaries – Ukrainian and Moldovan refugee teenagers and young people.

The last session of the program was facilitated by trainers Natalia GRÎU and Elena Creangă. It started with a session dedicated to online safety, focusing on responsible behavior and how to protect yourself. The most substantial component of the day focused on non-violent communication. The topic was approached from the perspective of its essence, the preconceived ideas related to it, the basic principles and the steps involved, attitudes, etc. During the training, participants experienced conflict situations and reflected on the sources that generate them in cyberspace and in everyday life, learning to construct a nonviolent message based on empathy and understanding of their own needs and those of the people involved in the communication.

The training program was organized on 20-27 September, in the framework of the project “Refugee Support Initiative”, implemented by PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), as part of the Humanitarian Response in the Republic of Moldova. It was facilitated by trainers Natalia GRÎU, Elena CREANGĂ, Violeta TERGUȚĂ, Elena CAISÂN-POPA and Veronica CUMPĂNĂ, with 28 local coordinators, psychologists, youth workers and volunteers from 16 Static and Mobile Safe Spaces, coordinated by the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA, the Public Association “Homecare” and the NGO “HelpAge”.

Over four days, participants developed their professional skills in the following areas: gender-based violence; sexual violence and intervention strategies; prevention of gender-based violence, prevention of gender-based violence, prevention of gender-based violence in the online environment; bio-psycho-sexual development of adolescents, non-violent communication strategies.

Platforma EDUCAȚIE: Nevoi și perspective privind dezvoltarea competențelor digitale ale profesorilor

În contextul acțiunilor de pregătire a cadrelor manageriale și didactice din sistemul de învățământ de pe ambele maluri ale râului Nistru pentru digitalizarea procesului instructiv-educativ, Platforma EDUCAȚIE a desfășurat o nouă secvență de formare continuă. În data de 26 septembrie curent, 49 de cadre didactice și studenți viitori pedagogi au participat la seminarul tematic ”Dezvoltarea competențelor digitale ale profesorilor: nevoi și perspective”. Realizat în format hibrid, adunând 28 de cursanți în regim online și 21 – în regim offline, acesta a fost facilitat de formatorii Daniela Munca-Aftenev și Valeriu Gorincioi.

Activitatea a avut ca punct de reper cadrul de competențe DigCompEdu, aprobat de Ministerul Educației și Cercetării, care pune la dispoziția corpului didactic de la toate treptele un model de progres pentru formarea celor 22 de competențe digitale cheie, începând cu asimilarea de informații și formarea practicilor digitale de bază, continuând cu aplicarea, dezvoltarea și structurarea practicilor digitale și terminând cu transmiterea cunoștințelor către alți profesori și crearea de practici noi.

Pe parcursul instruirii, accentul a fost pus pe modalități de valorificare optimă a potențialului tehnologiilor digitale în elaborarea strategiilor didactice centrate pe elev și aplicarea cu succes a acestora la clasă, pe dezvoltarea competențelor necesare elaborării și partajării eficiente și responsabile a resurselor digitale în procesul de predare-învățare-evaluare, în interacțiunile profesionale, pentru dezvoltare profesională. Cursanților le-au fost propuse spre reflecție o serie de proiecte educaționale cu integrarea TIC și studii de caz, care au fost însoțite de realizarea de sarcini de lucru interactiv, exerciții, analize.

Activitatea a avut loc în cadrul proiectului Platforma EDUCAȚIE, finanțat de Uniunea Europeană și implementat de PNUD Moldova, în parteneriat cu Centrul Educațional PRO DIDACTICA, Chișinău, și Centrul Educațional RAZVITIE, Tiraspol.

Refugee Support Initiative: further training in mental health and adolescent development

“Bio-psycho-sexual development in adolescents” is the module taught on 23-24 September this year within the complex program carried out by the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA for key staff of the Static and Mobile Safe Spaces launched with the support of the project “Refugee Support Initiative”, including those coordinated by the Public Association “Homecare” and the NGO “HelpAge”.

Organized in offline format, at the Villa Verde Hotel, the training was facilitated by Elena CAISÂN-POPA (Head, Youth Friendly Health Centre “Amigos”, Buiucani) and Veronica CUMPĂNĂ (Head, Youth Friendly Health Centre “Amigos”, Botanica). The training brought together 30 participants – local coordinators, psychologists, youth workers and volunteers from 16 Safe Spaces to develop professional skills in the field of adolescent mental health and bio-sexual particularities necessary for working with adolescents and young people from Ukrainian refugee and host communities.

Asked at the beginning of the activity to say what they expected from this learning sequence, the trainees mentioned the following: new, up-to-date information; professional support; teaching materials (including files, video products, etc.) for use in working with the beneficiaries; modern teaching strategies and models of their application, etc.

Under the motto “Adolescence – the age of change”, the training scenario was based on: defining the term “mental health”; identifying measures to reduce stress and restore emotional balance; recognizing the symptoms of a person at risk; explaining the steps to be taken in cases of risk – all addressed with reference to adolescents. The second day of the training was dedicated to discussing the biological particularities of the adolescent age. The participants discussed the signs of early and late adolescence, the elements of personal and menstrual hygiene, the specifics of relationships during adolescence, as well as responsible sexual behavior adopted by adolescents. Special emphasis was also placed on professional support and referral services for all adolescents/teenagers.

The activity took place within the project “Refugee Support Initiative”, implemented by the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)”, as part of the Humanitarian Response in the Republic of Moldova.