Erasmus+ T4Green International Training Program

In the framework of the Erasmus+ T4Green project, a 5-day training was launched at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) in Covilha, Portugal, dedicated to transforming teacher education for the green and digital transition in Armenia and the Republic of Moldova.
The event brings together over 40 teachers and policy makers from Armenia, Moldova and other EU countries (Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic), providing a platform for exchange of ideas, best practices and innovative strategies in the field of green and digital education. Participants benefit from interactive sessions, presentations and discussions focused on integrating digital and sustainable skills in the training of future generations of teachers.
The Erasmus+ T4Green project reflects our commitment to support the modernization of education and to prepare teachers for today’s global challenges, contributing to a more sustainable and digitized future. Participants explore innovative solutions to integrate sustainable development goals into the university curriculum reform process in Armenia and Moldova.
C.E. PRO DIDACTICA team, in partnership with several colleagues from the State Pedagogical University “Ion Creangă” in Chisinau and the State University “Alecu Russo” in Balti, will disseminate and capitalize on advanced experiences in the field at national level.