
On August 21, 2 groups of primary school teachers (from schools with teaching in Romanian and Russian languages) were involved in thematic webinars for professional empowerment in the teaching-learning-evaluation of the optional subject “Culture of Good Neighborhood”.

Thus, the trainers and authors of teaching materials, Daniela STATE and Ala NIKITCENKO, achieved in a participatory way the following objectives: familiarizing teachers with the specifics of the curriculum in the optional subject “Culture of good neighborhood” in grades I-IV; analytical and interactive reading of the curricular contents of intercultural education; designing the didactic approach in specific multicultural contexts. The project coordinator greeted the participants, thanking the trainers for their loyalty and for their participation, and briefly presented the project, announcing the participants about the benefits that will result from their responsible involvement in the given project.

The activities took place within the project Extending peace education through the discipline “Culture of good neighborhood” in schools in the Republic of Moldova – 2020”, http://prodidactica.md/portfolio/extinderea-educatiei-pentru-pace-prin-disciplina-cultura- good-neighborhood-in-schools-in-the-republic-of-moldova-2020, implemented by CE PRO DIDACTICA, with the support of development partners from the GPPAC network, based in Hague (https://www.gppac.net/) and Non Violence International in the USA.

During the current semester, teachers will be trained on interactive teaching methods, with an emphasis on resolving educational conflicts that arise in their schools due to ethnic, religious, social diversity, and intercultural and peace education in the district will be improved. As an impact, over 500 children will benefit from an important educational innovation, developed also based on the intercultural education students workbook “Culture of Good Neighborhood”, which they will receive as a donation and which is also available online, among others digital resources on the subject at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q9nb4X6IySXXztqdog7TWu9ObetLRx5_

At the same time, over 30 teachers from Anenii Noi district will be certified based on the training program started now and which will continue during the autumn vacation, receiving as a donation the Methodological Guide to the given discipline (can also be downloaded from: http://prodidactica.md/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Ghid_Cultura-Bunei-Vecinatati_RO_RU.pdf.

NOTA BENE: All teachers who continue to teach the optional subject “Culture of Good Neighborhood” and who have additional digital resources, including sequences of filmed lessons, PPTs and original teaching projects, are asked to send them to: vpostica@prodidactica.md, to place them as open resourses on www.red.prodidactica.md, for the exchange of good practices.

Viorica Goraș-Postică, project coordinator