Critical thinking for professional skills training

The training system of the CONSEPT project, Critical Thinking for Professional Skills Training, continued on 16-18 April with the third module in an online version, using the Zoom platform.
The participants of the training, 12 teachers and masters who teach specialist subjects at centres of excellence, colleges and vocational schools, continued to examine the possibilities of applying critical thinking techniques, as well as linking the philosophy of critical thinking to the teaching-learning-assessment process. The formative values of critical thinking in areas such as electronics, IT, car servicing and transport organisation, combined with the examination of multiple intelligences, the development of communication skills in a professional context, were explored through the lens of interactive techniques from traditional ones.
Emphasis on communication, discussion, argumentation, especially in highly technical jobs, will hopefully bear the expected fruit. The main form of design and delivery of the approach was the model lesson. Sufficient space and time was reserved for debriefing, metacognition, immediate application and transfer to the subjects the learners were teaching.