The project ”Partnerships for Quality and Relevance in ICT Vocational Education in Moldova” is implemented by the Educational Centre Pro Didactica in partnership with Moldovan Association of Private ICT Companies (ATIC), funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation and Government of Romania.
Implementation period: december 2015 – november 2018
Project budget: 694 000 EUR
ADC grant: 510 000 EUR
Romania grant: 70 000 EUR
ATIC Contribution: 25 500 EUR
USAID, CE-WIN Contribution: 88 500 EUR
Overall objective: To contribute to an enhanced quality and relevance of ICT vocational education for the economy in Moldova
Project purpose: To advance capacity of VET institutions offering ICT specializations in Moldova to a level that educational offers meet labor market needs and recognized quality standards.
Result 1. An ICT Centre of Excellence for Professional Education established and functions as a resource hub for teachers and an attractive education provider to students in cooperation with the ICT sector.
Activity 1.1. Needs Assessment in the beneficiary institutions (ICT VET Centre of Excellence (College of Informatics), 8 colleges and 12 professional schools assigned to it;
Activity 1.2. Preparation and conducting the trainings and follow-ups on relevant topics: Educational Management, Strategic Management, Participative management, Programme Management, Fundraising, etc;
Activity 1.3. Development of the concept, regulation and development plan of the inservice training department of the ICT Centre of Excellence;
Activity 1.4. Providing equipment for the in-service training department of the ICT Centre of Excellence and launching event of the newly established department;
Activity 1.5. Trainings of trainers of the in-service training department of the ICT Centre of Excellence;
Activity 1.6. Preparation and conducting 2 occupational (on ICT specific aspects / specialization) trainings on ICT aspects and 2 ToT trainings on didactics aspects;
Activity 1.7. Development and implementation of an IT management system throughout the network and integration with the national education information
Result 2. Training offers at VET institutions offering ICT specializations in Moldova are modernized in terms of contents and reflect state-of-the-art teaching methods.
Activity 2.1. Development, piloting and approval of 2 new curricula and respective teaching materials;
Activity 2.2. Development, piloting and approving of curricula and support materials for a new course “English Language for ICT” for both levels secondary professional
education and post-secondary vocational education;
Activity 2.3. Establishing a modern Resource Centre within the ICT Centre of Excellence;
Activity 2.4. A user-friendly portal with digital library and access from the assigned institutions of the ICT Centre of Excellence developed;
Activity 2.5. Training of teachers and staff of the ICT Centre of Excellence and assigned institutions in additional services in minimum 5 areas;
Activity 2.6. Capacity development of students and teachers in areas relevant to the Market;
Activity 2.7. Extended internship programme for teachers and students in the ICT area to meet market expectations;
Result 3. Information about career paths in ICT relevant professions that can be obtained in VET institutions made available to the public in a sustainable manner.
Activity 3.1. Improve the image and value proposition of the ICT Centre of Excellence and assigned institutions through communication and marketing instruments;
Activity 3.2. Outspread the promotion campaign by extending it to VET institutions;
Activity 3.3. Annual Career Orientation fairs with focus on technical and soft skills trainings;
Activity 3.4. Inclusion of ICT in education topics for VET during the Moldova ICT Summit to raise the awareness about the sector;
Result 4. Basic standards, organizational procedures and work processes of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Professional Education (ANACIP) developed to create the basis for ANACIP to fulfill its public mandate.
Activity 4.1. Development of a Code of ethics for experts-evaluators;
Activity 4.2. Development of evaluation methodologies for temporary authorization of functioning and final accreditation of Higher Education and VET institutions;
Activity 4.3. Development and piloting of reference quality standards and indicators for study programmes in higher education (license, master and doctoral cycles) and in-service training programmes;
Activity 4.4. Development and implementation of training programmes for ANACIP staff and experts;
Activity 4.5. Organization of a study visit to Romanian quality assurance agency;
Activity 4.6. Development of support documents to create partnerships with QA institutions from other EU country;
Lead Partner
Public Association
Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA
Rima Bezede,
Association President,
Contacts: 0 22 54 19 94
Moldovan Association of Private ICT Companies
Ana Chiriţa,
Executive Director,
Contacts: 0 22 88 70 00