The PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center announces the enrollment in the continuous training programs accredited by the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research and approved by order no. 1095 of 03.08.2021 of the Ministry of Education and Research, issued pursuant to art. 123 (paragraph 4) of the Education Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 152/2014. (LINK: Ordinul Ministerului Educației și Cercetării;  Certificat de Evaluare Externă a Calității, ANACEC)

The trainings will take place in online format. For registration, access one of the forms below (registration for internships funded from the state budget will be done only on the basis of the delegation order issued by the head of the educational institution).

The cost of the training program varies depending on its duration and the number of participants:

– complex program (20 credits): 2000 lei;

– medium-term program (17 credits): 1800 lei;

– medium-term program (10 credits): 1400 lei;

– thematic program (6 credits): 800 lei.

For more details, you can contact us at the phone number: 022 54 19 94;

program coordinator: Lilia NAHABA.

We look forward to seeing you at our trainings!


The PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center continues to offer thematic training programs at the request of the beneficiaries. The center organizes training courses for pre-university and university teachers, coordinated and approved by the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova.

The certificates are valid for the periodical attestation process of teachers.

In the 2025 academic year, we offer the following training services:


  • Reading and writing for the development of critical thinking;
  • Adult education and training of trainers, mentoring;
  • Inclusive education;
  • Evaluation methodology;
  • Textbook;
  • Project Management;
  • Educational design;
  • Development of pedagogical creativity;
  • Private teaching in primary education;
  • Didactics of mathematics;
  • Didactics of history and civic education;
  • Chemistry teaching;
  • Planning and elaboration of optional disciplines;
  • Didactics of the optional subject “Culture of good neighborhood”;
  • Didactics of the optional subject “An hour for reading”;
  • Didactics of the optional subject “Reading, I learn to be”;
  • Didactics of the optional subject “Education for community development”;
  • Didactics of the optional discipline “Psychopedagogy of interpersonal relations. Education for Tolerance ”;
  • Didactics of the optional subject “Education for gender equity and equal opportunities”;
  • Didactics of the optional subject “Education for European integration”;
  • Didactics of optional subjects ”Let’s get to know each other better. Intercultural education for understanding otherness”;
  • Use of ICT in the teaching-learning-assessment process. Open Educational Resources;
  • Educational leadership.

The cost of each training program will be established depending on the specific request (size of students group, location, distance to the village, coffee break, lunch, etc.).

The number of credits for each training program will be calculated in accordance with Regulation of attestation of teachers from pre-school, primary, secondary, special, additional, secondary vocational and specialized education.

Lilia Nahaba
Program Coordinator
tel. (+373 22) 54 25 56, 54 19 94;
fax (+373 22) 54 41 99.