Summary: The Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA participates as a partner to the implementation of the “Organizational Development” component within the project „Strengthening Vocational Training in the Republic of Moldova (CONSEPT)”, realized with the financial support of the „Liechtenstein Development Service” Foundation (LED). The general project purpose is to elaborate a more flexible system, and better adjusted one to the labor market necessities in order to integrate and support all those that are looking for a job.

Purpose of this component: organizational development of the professional schools involved in the project, by offering a professional support to the managerial teams, including assistance and monitoring  in each of the above mentioned schools in the process of elaborating a functional development plan, providing consultancy services and expertise in this field.

The main activities:

  1. Assessing training needs of the managerial staff and organizational capacities of the schools involved in the project.
  2. Implementing training activities for the administrative teams:
    1. Seminar-training „Educational Management”;
    2. Seminar-training „Elaborating the School Development Plan (SDP)”, modules I and II.
  3. Assistance and monitoring in elaborating the SDP.
  4. Organizing the common workshop for presenting the elaborated SDP.
  5. Final SDP approval.

After the implementation of this component, each project school will be administered by an efficient team, with advanced managerial skills and will have a sound development strategy.

Project Coordinator: Rima Bezede