On the 19th of August 2016, a group of teachers from the country, who implement the optional subject “European integration for you”, participates in a methodical training program of evaluation and certification (at the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA), based on the updated curriculum “European integration for you”. The activity took place in the framework of the international project “European Lessons”, carried out in partnership with the Center for Modern Didactics from Vilnius, Lithuania and Center “School-Family-Society” from Tbilisi, Georgia.
The project goal is to create premises for the development of European values and recognition of European integration processes in Georgia and Moldova. The final beneficiaries of the project are secondary school pupils and young people (16-18 years old) by encouraging them to know more about EU values, history and politics, helping them to understand and recognize value of democratic countries community for each separate country. Previously, the project has been aimed to update and create educational programs for the development of European values and knowledge about the processes of European integration by piloting the optional subject “European Integration for you” for the secondary education and the training program for teachers to implement this discipline.
Teachers were involved in an exchange of experiences, learning in an interactive manner, making use of advanced experiences, and new contents, adapted to specific educational contexts, as facilitators being experienced trainers Eugenia Negru and Rodica Eşanu. Teachers trained will further provide their knowledge to the colleagues from the area, serving as a resource person. We recognize that the current policy and socio-economic context is not favorable for us, especially that the reform in justice to establish a state of law and fight against corruption did not produce great results and the delay of some changes creates serious obstacles in educating of the future generations and promoting European values at personal, institutional and community level.
The project will continue until the end of this year, currently, a developing program is under elaboration and additional materials for youth organizations, for young people aged 18-29, which represent different formal and non-formal youth organizations, which involves active youth, responsible citizens, which educates its members in order to improve and strengthen them.
As a conclusion we reiterate some valuable assertions expressed by the president Nicolae Timofti with the occasion of the National Day of Romanian Language: “Republic of Moldova faces a lot of challenges, but also opportunities. One of our undeniable achievements is that we have taken important steps towards integration into the European family. Our proximity to the Europe is facilitated and boosted after signing the EU-RM Association Agreement and visa liberalization. We are the only country from the CIS area that obtained the right to travel freely in Europe. These documents open ample opportunities to trade, education, free movement of goods, technologies and people, the development of joint projects under the auspice of the European Union. We must seize upon the opportunities offered, to understand that this is our chance to modernize ourselves.”
Project Coordinator: Viorica GORAŞ-POSTICĂ