
After a thorough analysis of the labor market, with the involvement of experts and work teams from enterprises, after a round of training in the field, the component “Development of standards and occupational qualifications necessary to ensure quality standards in the agri-food sector” of the DevRAM project, Part I he stepped into a new stage.

 Thus, the Sectoral Committee for Vocational Training in Agriculture and Food Industry “AgroindVET” proceeded to the elaboration of 3 occupational standards:

  • “Technician in the food industry”;
  • “Quality Assurance Technician”;
  • “Line operator in the food industry”.

These occupations are of particular importance for the agri-food sector, and therefore for the national economy, because those who practice them supervise the technological processes used, are responsible for conducting analyzes on the quality of raw materials and finished products, application and compliance with labor standards, etc. .

The occupational standard is a document that describes the attributions and professional tasks specific to a trade / profession / specialty / occupation in a field of activity. It contributes to the training of human resources and is developed according to the trends of socio-economic development of the state in the medium and long term, labor market requirements, advanced experience implemented in the sector, technologies, raw materials and equipment applied.

Occupational standards reflect the professional values ​​specific to the profession / profession / specialty / occupation and are useful for informing students in the process of choosing the profession, developing study programs, preparing job descriptions, hiring staff, designing qualification standards.

European Union Project “Development of Rural Areas in the Republic of Moldova” (DevRAM), Part I. “Increasing the competitiveness of the agri-food sector by integrating it into domestic and global value chains, especially the soybean crop sector”, implemented by the Austrian Development Cooperation, in partnership with the PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center and the Donau Soja International Association (Austria), aims to contribute to increasing the sector’s capacity to assert itself on the internal and external market, as well as to strengthening the capacity of technical vocational education institutions in the agri-food sector. within the framework of the Strategic Partnership organized at regional level between CAD and Donau Soja, which supports the construction of sustainable and inclusive value chains for organic and non-genetically modified soybeans in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Moldova and Ukraine.