The purpose of the Organizational Development component relates to the professional development of institutions that are included in this project: Professional Lyceum nr.2 and College of Construction, both from Chisinau, through offering a professional support to the institutions managerial team.
Up to now, the necessities of staff training and organizational capacities of the institutions within the project have been evaluated by trainers who have a great experience in this field: Valentina CHICU, Gheorghe GÎRNEŢ, Victor SÎNCHETRU and Gheorghe ŞALARU. According to these evaluations, a complex training program for managerial teams of the professional schools was elaborated. The first training activity, named “Educational Management” took place between February, 9-12 2010. The task of the training seminar was to create a more efficient managerial activity of administrative teams of the 2 above mentioned institutions which are participating in the project.