Refugee support initiative: continuing professional development

The module “Preventing online gender-based violence. The basics of nonviolent communication”, addressed today, September 27, 2024, concluded the comprehensive program of training of key Safe Spaces staff to carry out educational and leisure activities, to provide professional support and counseling to the beneficiaries – Ukrainian and Moldovan refugee teenagers and young people.

The last session of the program was facilitated by trainers Natalia GRÎU and Elena Creangă. It started with a session dedicated to online safety, focusing on responsible behavior and how to protect yourself. The most substantial component of the day focused on non-violent communication. The topic was approached from the perspective of its essence, the preconceived ideas related to it, the basic principles and the steps involved, attitudes, etc. During the training, participants experienced conflict situations and reflected on the sources that generate them in cyberspace and in everyday life, learning to construct a nonviolent message based on empathy and understanding of their own needs and those of the people involved in the communication.

The training program was organized on 20-27 September, in the framework of the project “Refugee Support Initiative”, implemented by PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), as part of the Humanitarian Response in the Republic of Moldova. It was facilitated by trainers Natalia GRÎU, Elena CREANGĂ, Violeta TERGUȚĂ, Elena CAISÂN-POPA and Veronica CUMPĂNĂ, with 28 local coordinators, psychologists, youth workers and volunteers from 16 Static and Mobile Safe Spaces, coordinated by the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA, the Public Association “Homecare” and the NGO “HelpAge”.

Over four days, participants developed their professional skills in the following areas: gender-based violence; sexual violence and intervention strategies; prevention of gender-based violence, prevention of gender-based violence, prevention of gender-based violence in the online environment; bio-psycho-sexual development of adolescents, non-violent communication strategies.

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