
Component I:  Increasing the competitiveness of the agri-food sector in Moldova through integration to domestic and global value chains, in particular in the soya sector

Donor: European Union
Implementator: Austrian Development Agency (ADA), in partnership with Donau Soja International and Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA
Project duration: April 2018 – March 2021
Total project budget: 2,598,333 Euro

Beneficiaries: PART I of the action defines a wide target group embracing stakeholders along the GMO-free soya value chain (e.g. farmers, businesses), VET institutions (schools, colleges, CoE), research & development institutions and consumers

Overall goal: to increase the competitiveness of the agri-food sector through its integration into domestic and global value chains, in particular in the soya sector.

The specific objective of Part I of the action is to integrate Moldovan-grown soybeans into domestic and global value chains.


Outcome 1: Capacities for innovation and education in agriculture in Moldova are enhanced

1.1.The introduction of new improved agricultural practices and improvement of the production of conventional and organic soybean;
1.2.The strengthening of the capacities of Moldavian R&D and Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) organizations and the increase of their linkages with other parts of the European scientific community;
1.3. Enhancing capacities for innovation and education in agriculture in Moldova. Qualified workforce for effective work in agri-food sector.

Outcome 2: Access to markets is increased

2.1. The improvement of participation of value chain actors in domestic, regional and international markets;
2.2. The increase of communication of information related to high quality, local origin food and feed;
2.3. Advanced demand for certified and organic agri-food production national and foreign markets.

Outcome 3: Standards and certification are used to raise the performance of value chains

3.1. The establishment of the certification of production according to non-GMO Danube Region Standards;
3.2. The assessment of risks regarding GMO, pesticides and heavy metals in Moldovan soybean production.

Outcome 4: The policy and legal framework is promoting an enabling environment for quality standards in the agri-food sector, in particular in the soya sector

4.1. Competitive high-quality agri-food value chains with high standards of biosafety have continuous support by public institutions;
4.2. Promoting an enabling environment for ensuring quality standards in the agri-food sector (including organic agriculture and products). Alignment of policy documents and legal framework to EU quality standards.


Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA

Rima Bezede,
Georgeta Mincu, project manager,
Contact: 0 22 54 19 94


Public Association Representative Office in the Republic of Moldova of VEREIN DONAU SOJA Association from Austria

Viorel Gherciu, Director


Raport cu privire la rezultatele identificării direcțiilor de îmbunătățire a programelor de învățământ profesional tehnic postsecundar 81110 Agronomie și 72150 Tehnologia produselor de origine vegetală prin racordarea competențelor la necesitățile sectorului de producere și procesare a soiei în Republica Moldova

Report on the results of identification of ways of improving the post-secondary vocational education programmes 81110 Agronomy and 72150 Plant products technology by matching skills to the needs of the soybean production and processing sector in the Republic of Moldova

Raport de evaluare a necesităţilor instituţiilor de învăţământ profesional tehnic în domeniul agroalimentar (RO)

Capacity Needs Assessment Report of Vocational Educational Institutions in agri-food sector (ENG)

Raport cu privire la rezultatele identificării cererii pieţei muncii pe termen mediu pentru învăţământul superior şi profesional tehnic în 6 domenii (RO)

Report on results of identifying the mid-term labour market demand for higher and vocational education in 6 areas (EN)