Donor:  The Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation
Project duration: from June 2018 to December 2020

The project Promoting and developing intercultural education (ICE) for pre-service teacher training will address the problems encountered by the students, future teachers, from 3 pedagogical universities, namely of management of the multicultural classes of  pupils  from diverse cultural, geographical and linguistic regions, but also of specific didactic method of the multi-, intercultural topics. At present, there is both the need and the openness of educational institutions to develop an academic course (compulsory or optional) for future teachers on intercultural education for youth empowerment to appreciate diversity, to enhance and harnessing the benefits of intercultural communication.

The goal of the project: to improve future teachers’ knowledge and skills in order to support the development of intercultural competence of children and youth.

Specific objectives:

  • To develop the curriculum and didactic materials on intercultural education in pre-service teacher training;
  • To develop the professional skills of university teachers in intercultural education.

Project beneficiaries: university managers and teachers, future teachers from 3 pedagogical universities, including 3 faculties of pedagogy, philology and history/civics  and around 3000 school children would benefit from this initiative, even though not directly involved in the project.

The main activities and expected results:

  • Carrying out a needs assessment with the university managers, university teachers and future teachers for curriculum development and teacher training;
  • Organizing the university teachers’ trainings program on ICE;
  • Developing an university curriculum on ICE;
  • Developing a didactical guide for university teachers on ICE;
  • Organization of a study visit for curriculum developers (to the Intercultural Institute from Timisoara, Romania);
  • Establishing resources centres on ICE in the 3 universities in Moldova for university teachers and future teachers;
  • Delivering promotional activities on ICE in the universities and schools;
  • Organization of round tables, workshops and systematic meetings to promote the ICE etc.

The expected impact of the project will contribute to implementation of ICE within the university curriculum and in a long-term perspective to increasing the level of tolerance and non-discrimination among children and youth belonging to different ethnic, religious, linguistic and sexual minorities.

Proiect coordinator: Cristina BUJAC