Starting with 4th of February until the 4th of June 2011, PRO DIDACTICA Educational Centre is implementing a forming program for rural lyceum teachers, aimed at developing and renewal of their methodological competencies. This program is a part of the „Quality Education in the Rural Zone of Moldova” project, supported by the World Bank and coordinated by the Department of Education of Moldova.
The thematic of the program includes:

  • Lesson management from the perspective of quality insurance;
  • Developing critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity at students;
  • Interdisciplinary view on educational subjects;
  • Educational strategies based on forming competencies;
  • Organizing the teaching process from the perspective of student centered education;
  • Evaluating competencies and the participation of students during the independent educational process and their auto evaluation;
  • Elaboration criteria for the curricula of optional subjects in lyceum.

The main project activities include:
Elaboration of the course supporting material
During several workshops in the month of February, a team of national experts has elaborated the concept and training material contents as for forming national formatters and also for the instruction of local formatters afterwards. They also have built the design of the forming activities. The authors of these elaborations are the experts: Tatiana Cartaleanu, Olga Cosovan, Lia Sclifos and Rodica Solovei

The national formatters training program
During 24th to 26th of February there has been a methodological training for national formatters. As their formatters have worked the following experts: Tatiana Cartaleanu, Olga Cosovan, Lia Sclifos and Rodica Solovei. The forming program was aimed at the 7 subjects mentioned in it’s thematic and has made clear the message that needs to be passed to local formatters.
The forming program took place between the 5th and 27th of March. 785 lyceum teachers, including the head people of the Methodical Centers from all the zones of the republic. The training was moderated by a team consisting of 24 national formatters, with a great deal of experience as in the respective area, needed by the program, and also in forming adults. These experts have implemented a 24 hour instruction program.
Each participant, a future local formatter in the project, has beneficiated of a course supporting material in hard variant, and a CD for ulterior developing of the activities in the territory. The CD contains all the information necessary and also the electronic versions of training materials.
Local monitor’s meetings
As local monitors were chosen the heads of the Methodical Centers, which have the duty of organizing and monitoring the forming activities in the institutions of each department from the total of 35 which they represent.
The first meeting took place on the 10th of February. At it the monitors were acknowledged with their duties in the project and were discussed the modalities of organizing the preparation process for stage of training local formatters.
Other meetings have taken place during the period of 5th to 27th of March, when the activities of training local formatters took place. At the meetings were discussed all the important issues, which would contribute to a better organizing of the methodological training in rural lyceums from the republic.For their better efficiency,the local monitors received aCD with supporting materials, needed in the process.
Organizing the instruction process for all the rural lyceum teachers
At this stage, until the 10th of May, about 9500 teachers from all the rural lyceums will be instructed.

The certification of the forming program participants
The certificates, mentioning the thematic of a 24 hour forming program, will be offered to the teachers participating at the end of the project, based on the lists presented by the local monitors.


Project Coordinator, Silvia Barbarov