
On December 26, over 50 pre-university teachers (teachers and deputy principals) from the Ștefan Vodă district participated in methodical seminars to promote intercultural education through the Culture of Good Neighborhood.

The teachers became aware of the specifics of the optional subject in question, including the possibilities of using the educational support available on, in other school disciplines – sciences, history, moral-spiritual education, personal development, music. The specialists responsible for the DGE – Mrs. Val-na SÂNCHETRU and Mrs. Em. TUDOREAN were involved with maximum responsibility in motivating the teaching staff vis-à-vis the importance of intercultural education in the spirit of peace, promoting education through projects, but also capitalizing on audio-visual supports in the didactic process. The trainers A.TOMIȚĂ and V. POSTICĂ created a friendly atmosphere of professional learning and development, stimulating the courage to innovate and interactively approach the curricular contents.

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On December 27, inside the EC PRO DIDACTICA, there was held a CONFERENCE of the project “Extending the implementation of the optional discipline” Culture of good neighborliness “in the primary classes”, supported by GPPAC and Non-Violence International, with the participation of 25 teachers from 22 districts, among which,  more representatives of the district and municipal education departments. The word of greeting, accompanied by a brief presentation of the situation of the implementation of the discipline at the present time, on both banks of the Dniester, was spoken by Mrs. A. NIKITCENKO, main consultant, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.  Mrs. V. GORAȘ-POSTICĂ announced and analyzed the results of the project activities – 2019, and Mrs. D. STATE, teacher, deputy director, LT “Columna”, Chisinau, expert-author, in an original way, facilitated a training sequence in the field of intercultural education, but it has also provoked small debates on the good practices of implementing the discipline in the districts, during the last 7 years, including the opportunities to expand and disseminate the results already obtained. In the following year, the teachers interested in the optional discipline “Culture of Good Neighborhood” will benefit from a methodological Guide, in printed and electronic version, elaborated by the aforementioned authors, who insists on the mono-disciplinary teaching of the Culture of Good Neighborhood, but also infusionally, to other school subjects, in primary and secondary classes.

Viorica Goraș-Postică, project coordinator