On the 21st of September, the global community celebrated the International Day of Peace, declared by the decision of the United Nations General Assembly, to promote non-violence and the cessation of war worldwide, since 1998. In this context, the deputy principals for education and teachers from various school disciplines, organized with students different activities, including: drawing contests on the theme “We draw Peace” (on paper and on the courtyard ground); exhibitions of posters and drawings; poetry and song recitals; filming videos, collages, etc.
We mention the originality of the Intellectual Game “Universal Declaration of Human Rights: its significance and role in the modern world” and the increased interest of participants from the grades 8 through 12 of the TL ”A. Pushkin ”, as well as the decorative action for promotion “ Peace Bird ”, with the involvement of primary school students.
Ms. Liuba Domentean, a teacher at the kindergarten-gymnasium in Delacău, organized an original thematic sequence at the lesson, with the students from the 2nd grade, where Peace was discussed, recited and sung. In the same institution, the 4th grade students attended a book presentation, the primary school students participated in the Drawing Contest “The symbol of peace seen by youngsters” and those in grades V-IX – “Peace seen in colors” .
A student Olga Oglindă from TL ”E. Nicula” from Mereni created a unique collage, which can be viewed on: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1364268792149966853 . In the primary school from the same locality, the children drew Peace, sang and danced to the rhythms of some well known songs.
An original show of poetry, song and dance, accompanied by animation and drawings of students of different ages was organized at the gymnasium Roșcani, and the filmed sequence was placed on the institutions page:
The activities took place within the GPPAC project, implemented by CE PRO DIDACTICA, in partnership with the Education Department of Anenii Noi – “Expanding education for peace through the culture of good neighborhood in schools from the district of Anenii Noi-2020”.
Local coordinator: Mariana Cracan
Project coordinator: Viorica Goraș-Postică