
On the 8th of August, a group of 25 teachers met at the “Ion Creangă” Theoretical Lyceum from Coșnița, Dubăsari to participate in the seminar “Education for peace by cultivating a culture of good neighborhood”, within an international project supported by the International Network for the prevention of armed conflicts – GPPAC (www.gppac.net)  and the Nonviolence International organization (https://nonviolenceinternational.net). The project coordinator, Viorica Goraș-Postică and the trainer Daniela State have maintained a consistent professional dialogue with the practitioners, who are interested, starting with this year, to teach the optional intercultural education discipline “Culture of Good Neighborhood”. The project aims to expand the number of teachers who will be enabled for the teaching-learning of a unique subject, this time, based on a specific collaboration agreement with the Dubasari General Education Directorate.

The presentation of the Curriculum and the Student Book, the interactive-analytical approach to the curricular contents of the first grade and the contextualized rigor, of the recommendations for using the proposed teaching support were the key aspects on the agenda of the seminar with training elements. The teachers attended for the first time at such a training program and appreciated its importance for the multicultural context of the schools and communities in which it operates.

The values promoted within the given discipline are: the culture of peace, tolerance (interethnic, linguistic, inter-denominational, cultural, social, etc.); multilingualism (positive reaction and openness to react and learn the neighbor language at the most elementary level); peaceful and constructive resolution of any conflict; community and social responsibility; patriotism, democracy, etc. Practitioners have recognized the actuality and necessity of these demands of the contemporary world for the students and parents they work with, especially in the areas, with potential for conflict, such as the Dniester localities.

The curricular modules, organized in the form of trips, that the children go through, guided by the bee-mascot Melisa, comprise a wide thematic area, such as: Me and my neighbors; Mother tongue, state language and neighbor language; Let’s communicate in different languages! Republic of Moldova on the map of Europe; Where do our names and surnames come from; Games of our ancestors; Our traditional holidays; National dishes, etc. The intercultural competence that we develop in children will be supported by other social and communication competences, inherent to the active citizen, concerned with his personal well-being, but also to the community of which he is part and to the life of which he is challenged to get involved and contribute, of course.

Finally, we encourage all primary school teachers in the country to opt for the discipline “Culture of Good Neighborhood”, benefiting from the complete didactic support from the addresses: Link_1Link_2Link_3Also, those who, for various reasons, cannot teach a separate discipline, can use the materials given to other subjects of study, such as Romanian Language, Science, History, Education for society, Personal development, Transdisciplinary activities in the primary school classes, but the contents which are   very diversified can also be adapted to high school classes.

Viorica Goraș-Postică, project coordinator



Between 15 and 19 July, around 16 people representing the AgroindVET Sectoral Committee, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and the Environment, the National Federation of Employers in Agriculture and Food Industry, S.A. “JLC”, “Mileştii Mici” winery, S.A. “ZERNOFF”, etc., have the opportunity to participate at the training course “Elaboration of Occupational Standards”.

Organized by the PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center within the “DevRAM” Project, Part I, and moderated by Gabriela Damian-Timoshenko, the event, whose purpose is to expand the community of experts in the elaboration of occupational standards, will begin with the decoding of the concept of occupational / the elaboration of the occupational profile and will end with the elaboration of the occupational standard based on the occupational profile. Thus, the attention of learners will be directed to the following:

  • What is an occupational analysis?
  • What working methods does it require?
  • What is the algorithm of conducting an occupational analysis workshop?
  • What does an occupational profile mean?
  • What are the stages of verification / review, evaluation and validation of the occupational profile and are the tools used?
  • How do we define the concepts of key competences, general competencies on the field and specific skills, performance indicators?
  • What is an Occupational Standard?
  • What does the process of developing the occupational standard imply on the occupational profile?
  • What are the quality criteria of the occupational standard? But the stages of its approval? and so on

The Project “DevRAM”. Part I. “Increasing the competitiveness of the agri-food sector by integrating it into internal and global values, especially in the soybean culture” implemented by the Austrian Development Cooperation in partnership with the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA and Donau Soja with the financial support of the European Union, aims to contribute to increasing the capacity of the sector to assert on the internal and external market and to strengthen the capacity of the institutions of technical vocational education in the agri-food sector and to complement the Moldovan component within the Regional Strategic Partnership between the Austrian Development Cooperation and Donau Soja, which supports the building of sustainable and inclusive values ​​for organic and GMO soybean in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Moldova and Ukraine.