Two site visits with the scope of disseminating good practices of managerial teams were organized within the project “Towards a better governance and responsibility in schools”, implemented in partnership with the Center Education 2000+, Bucharest, and financed by the Institute for an Open Society from Budapest. The seminars in which were presented the most successful practices took place at the Theoretical Lyceum from Gura Galbenei and at Theoretical Lyceum „Alexandru cel Bun” from Slobozia; Theoretical Lyceum „M. Eminescu” from Comrat; Theoretical Lyceum from Varnita; Theoretical Lyceum „Alecu Russo” from Orhei and Theoretical Lyceum „L. Damian” from Rîşcani) had the opportunity to attend at the courses that were organized according to new educational technologies.
Also, 12 managers and teachers participated to a general meeting of the Council within which an efficient exchange of experience has been performed. Teachers from the Theoretical Lyceum, Gura Galbenei are sharing their support towards all the managerial team initiatives of the lyceum and are actively involved in the decision-making process. Thus, a better governance of the institution is ensured.
Another activity took place at the Theoretical Lyceum „Alexandru cel Bun” from Slobozia. The lyceum director, Mr. Petru Berdos, together with his team presented the positive experiences of the lyceum and mainly of the Council of Pupils. Thus, 18 participants, one manager and 2 pupils from each participating school, had the possibility to attend the general meeting of the Council of Pupils and different extracurricular activities. The best aspects of the Council’s activities are:
- The active participation of pupils to the decision-making process within the Lyceum;
- The efficient and sound partnership between the Council of Pupils and the Local Public Administration;
- The increased level of motivation among pupils regarding their participation to different activities.
The participants were pleased and positively surprised by the recorded results in these 2 institutions. Managers, as well as pupils, proved to be interested in further participation to similar activities. We hope that the high level experience acquired by these schools will contribute to a better governance and responsibility in schools.
Project Coordinator