Several school and university teachers participated on Friday, November 22, at the regular meeting of the educational debate club “Paideia”, within the PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center, facilitated by Prof. Viorica GORAȘ-POSTICĂ. Being a part of the area of intercultural and civic competences, multilingual education is increasingly required at all school levels of the education systems worldwide. With the cultural and economic globalization, but also the massive and continuous upward migration of the population, this type of new education has multiple social and personal benefits, involving both the family and the educational institution.

Multilingual education in the context of the Republic of Moldova may also trigger some adverse reactions, controversial debates, since the ideologized bilingualism of the Soviet period, in which the mother tongue was neglected and the language of the “older brother” was extensively  promoted. Within the European linguistic framework, however, bilingualism or multilingualism promotes the mother tongue as a priority  – mother tongue is first – then on its solid basis the education process from kindergarten to university can be carried out including, 2 or more languages, depending on the choice of the parents and the needs of the country. In addition to the idea described above, multilingual education can also be approached with restricted acceptance, when lexical elements from the languages ​​spoken by children at home, in multicultural societies, are promoted / acquired in the educational institution. It contributes significantly to educating tolerance, respect and openness for communication and interaction with colleagues, neighbors, native speakers of other languages. A lexical minimum proposed for discussion and which has aroused great interest from the educators can be downloaded HERE. This minimum can be adapted to the needs of the student community and reduced or extended depending on the intellectual and linguistic potential of the beneficiaries.

The issue of multilingual education was approached in a pragmatic and interactive manner, from a pedagogical, psychological and social point of view, and the good practices, together with the less pleasant experiences of daily life, exhibited by the participants, served as a relevant illustrative material in order for the todays school to change some accents and deficient tendencies of narrow monolingualism and bilingualism, and the organizational culture to become rich and adapt to the needs of the multicultural society which is constantly changing. Several teachers interested in the matter have confessed that the materials discussed at the seminar will serve as didactic support for organizing similar activities in schools, with the aim of raising awareness, but also of developing democratic attitudes and behaviors.




On the first day of the autumn vacation, around 40 teachers from both banks of the Dniester, including teachers from the Transnistrian region, met in a Training Program in the field of intercultural education, with the generic “Culture of Good Neighborhood”. Held within a long-term project, implemented by CE PRO DIDACTICA, with the support of the international network for the prevention of armed conflicts – GPPAC and facilitated by the Agreement signed with the General Directorate of Education, in the person of Mrs. Larisa BRĂTUCEAN, the activity contributed to the personal and professional development of the participants.

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In the period October 16-19, 2019, twelve education institutions with agricultural profile from the Republic of Moldova participate at the exhibition Farmer 2019, where the public has the opportunity to get acquainted with the educational offers and institutional achievements, visiting the stand entitled “SUPPORT AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION!”.

This action of promoting agricultural education in the Republic of Moldova is organized within the framework of the European Union project “DevRAM”, Part I, which aims to contributing to the development of modern and sustainable agri-food value chains, to increase the potential of this sector, to strengthen the capacity of technical vocational education institutions in the field, based on an integrated approach to agricultural education, labor market involvement and the business environment.

 “We have to modernise in Republic of Moldova the agricultural education and our partners from Educational Centre Pro Didactica make serious efforts to improve it” mentioned Alexander Karner, Head of the ADA Country Office in the Republic of Moldova

Stand organizers – the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA, the Donau Soja International Association (Austria) and their partners – Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and Ministry of Education, Culture and Research wanted to bring students from agricultural schools closer to entrepreneurs, for a new stage of collaboration between these two environments.

The participation of technical vocational education institutions at FARMER 2019 aimed to bring pupils and students closer to the economic agents to be seen, heard, and valued convincing that they are motivated to apply for jobs, to launch businesses, to become good specialists in the agri-food sector. Through these actions, we will attract the business sector to get involved as much as possible in the educational process.”, explains Daniela Preașca, interim project manager at Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA.

Approximately 200 young people that participated at the event, presented their institutions, including 3 centres of excellence, 6 colleges, 2 vocational schools and the State Agricultural University of Moldova and the specialties they study, benefited from several master-classes, met with the protagonists of success stories in the agricultural field and established contacts with potential employers and business partners.

I saw at the forum how active the students are and how many questions they asked; how interested they are and how much knowledge they have, ie they are already ready to enter the field of work. Participation in this exhibition is opportune and we hope it will not be the last. ”, believes Sergiu Zabolotnii, director of the Centre of Excellence in Viticulture and Winemaking in Chisinau.

 Pupils and students managed to find answers to professional questions and to get into the essence of the current agricultural context in the country, but also in its development strategy, participating in a discussion forum. The dialogue with the representatives of the private sector, specialists and authorities in the field of education and agriculture about the pupil/student profile, the educational process, the professional initiation and the launch of a business in the agri-food field is entitled Support the agricultural education! Educational offer means entrepreneurial perspectives!

The European Union project “Development of rural areas in the Republic of Moldova”, Component I. “Increasing the competitiveness of the agri-food sector through integration to domestic and global value chains in particular in the soya sector” is implemented by the Austrian Development Cooperation in partnership with the Educational Centre PRO DIDACTICA and the Donau Soja International Association (Austria).