Study visit to Gdansk: opportunities for new partnerships

From 11-13 September, the CE PRO DIDACTICA team, represented by Mrs. Rima Bezede, Executive Director, and a group of expert trainers, went on a study visit to the memorable city of Gdansk, at the invitation of the Gdansk Community Foundation.

The purpose of the visit was to explore a unique educational and cultural program – “Gdansk Lion Cub Academy” for primary school students. The activities organized, the meetings with key participants in the program, as well as the details of how the program will be carried out, underlined the importance and necessity of broad partnerships and joint commitments.

Following this visit, we will continue to work with representatives of the Gdansk Community Foundation to identify opportunities to transfer/assimilate good practices from Gdansk and to capitalize on the experience of both sides.

Erasmus+ T4Green International Training Program

In the framework of the Erasmus+ T4Green project, a 5-day training was launched at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) in Covilha, Portugal, dedicated to transforming teacher education for the green and digital transition in Armenia and the Republic of Moldova.

The event brings together over 40 teachers and policy makers from Armenia, Moldova and other EU countries (Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic), providing a platform for exchange of ideas, best practices and innovative strategies in the field of green and digital education. Participants benefit from interactive sessions, presentations and discussions focused on integrating digital and sustainable skills in the training of future generations of teachers.

The Erasmus+ T4Green project reflects our commitment to support the modernization of education and to prepare teachers for today’s global challenges, contributing to a more sustainable and digitized future. Participants explore innovative solutions to integrate sustainable development goals into the university curriculum reform process in Armenia and Moldova.

C.E. PRO DIDACTICA team, in partnership with several colleagues from the State Pedagogical University “Ion Creangă” in Chisinau and the State University “Alecu Russo” in Balti, will disseminate and capitalize on advanced experiences in the field at national level.

Skills training workshop for mobile teams

Ensuring an efficient organization of the activity of the Mobile Safe Space, improving the training of the members of the mobile teams in order to provide quality services were the objectives of the training workshop conducted by the Educational Center PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center on 13-14 and 27-28 June 2024. The training was attended by the teams of the newly created Mobile Safe Spaces, in addition to 3 existing ones: the Ungheni District Youth Center and the Criuleni Youth Center. The four training sessions were conducted in offline and online formats, facilitated by trainers Elena Creangă and Natalia Grîu. During the four days, the trainees were familiarized with the mission, working principles and target groups of a Mobile Safe Space, the roles to be exercised by each team member and the inherent challenges, as well as the methodology of delivering the activities.

In an interactive learning format, theoretical and practical aspects related to the proper functioning of mobile entities were covered: the quality of the delivery of the learning sessions and the vector-topics addressed (gender-based violence: conceptual landmarks, prevention services in humanitarian crisis, the referral mechanism to GBV services and the role of mobile teams in this process, sexual and reproductive health, etc. ), effective communication, resilience and flexibility of mobile teams, building partnerships, planning of activities and framework for organizing sessions, working methods and techniques, ensuring inclusiveness of activities, safety and well-being of beneficiaries, conflict and conflict management, etc.

The workshop also aimed at developing the skills to identify the needs of the final beneficiaries, to motivate them to get involved in the activities proposed by the Mobile Safe Spaces, to create an environment free of any form of discrimination.

The project “Refugee Support Initiative”, as part of the Humanitarian Response in the Republic of Moldova, is implemented by EC PRO DIDACTICA, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).