External mid term evaluation of the project Partnerships for Quality and Relevance in ICT Vocational Education in Moldova, implemented in partnership with National Association of Private ICT Companies, funded by ADA, USAID and Romanian Government.
Project title: Partnerships for Quality and Relevance in ICT Vocational Education in Moldova
Country: Republic of Moldova
Project number: 8295-00/2015
Project duration: 01.12.2015 – 30.11.2018
1. Background
Since its independence, the Republic of Moldova economy has suffered from a lack of efficiency, partly due to serious decline in quality of education. The Education Strategy 2020, adopted in 2014, sets out as main priorities for the Government improving the quality, relevance and efficiency of the education system. The Vocational Education Strategy 2013-2020, adopted in 2013, is the main policy document in the field vocational/technical education, that aims by 2020 that VET will become more attractive, quality, relevant for the labor market, accessible, career oriented, flexible, allowing nonformal and informal learning validation and mobility in the European space in line with Copenhagen Process and Bruges Communique provisions. Citește mai mult